Winner Dinner: Grilled Bread with Avocado

This may be my most requested recipe, which is funny because I’m not even sure it qualifies as a recipe. This is food at its most simple: few ingredients, minimal prep, and almost no actual cooking. But I think simple food is usually the best and that is definitely the case with avocado bread (as we call it in our house).

Now, you might be wondering about this as a dinner. When we first started making this, we’d do it as a side, but then we realized we didn’t want to eat anything else when we were eating this. If you cut your bread thick and pile on the avocado, you’ll be satisfied. But if you want a little more balanced meal, add a simple salad or some form of grilled meat (promise you really don't need it...)

A couple tips:

sliced bread

Use a good loaf of crusty bread (I like La Brea, which is usually available in grocery stores). This will ensure a nice charred outside and soft inside.

diced avocado

To cut avocados, slice in half lengthwise. Take out the pit. Then score each side in little cubes. Use a spoon to scope the flesh right into the bowl.

mashed avocado

Mash the avocado with a fork. You want a chunky texture.

grilled bread

Grilling the bread really is key to this dish. If you don’t have a grill, use the broiler, but otherwise it’s worth firing up your grill (even in a downpour...hello, Seattle winter). You want the bread to have some char...don’t take it off too soon!

grilled bread with avocado

1 loaf of good crusty bread
2 ripe avocados
1 tablespoon of fresh lemon or lime juice
3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
Pinch of red pepper flakes
1 garlic clove, peeled and cut in half
Salt and pepper

Preheat your grill to 500 degrees.

Cut the bread into thick slices. Drizzle both sides with 2 tablespoons of the olive oil. Season with salt.

To cut avocados, slice in half lengthwise. Take out the pit. Then score each side in little cubes. Use a spoon to scope the flesh right into medium bowl. Add the lemon or lime juice, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, the red pepper flakes, and some salt and pepper. Mash with a fork until combined but still chunky. Taste for seasoning and adjust accordingly.

Grill the bread, about 1 minute per side. Make sure it’s nice and charred on the outside. Take the bread off the grill and rub each piece with the garlic clove (this step is optional, but add a nice flavor layer to the dish). Top each piece of bread with avocado.

Serves 2-4. Can easily be doubled or tripled for a crowed.

Get the printable recipe.

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