Book Report: Law of Moses

I'm always looking for a good book to read. While putting my daughter down for a nap, pretending to watch a basketball game with my husband or just having a quiet minute to myself, it's nice to have something to pick up and be swept away. As we find books that we just can't put down, we'll make sure to share with you. We would love for you to read them along with us and share your own thoughts and opinions too!
This week I was completely absorbed in Amy Harmon's newest book The Law of Moses. Now, full disclosure, I absolutely love this author. Infinity + 1 and Making Faces are two of my favorite books so, when I saw she had a new release, I snatched it up right away.

"If I tell you right up front, right in the beginning that I lost him, it will be easier for you to bear. You will know it’s coming, and it will hurt. But you’ll be able to prepare." 

Seriously?! That's how it starts? With a prologue like that I wasn't sure I was going to make it through, but I'm so glad I did. 

The story focuses on Moses Wright, a boy who trouble has followed all of his life. He's abandoned as a baby in a Laundromat and can't seem to catch a break as he grows up. He eventually moves near Georgia (our heroine) who is drawn to him immediately. Their interactions and experiences are what make this book so wonderful.

"If I were to paint you, I would use every color." Sigh.

There's a lot to the story that can't really be described without spoiling it and trust don't want it to be spoiled. It's much more than a sweet love story. In fact, the love story isn't all that great. It's more of a human story with lots of twists you won't ever see coming. I started this book late at night, reading until almost 2AM and ended up having to sleep with a little night light... (You'll see what I mean.)

So read this story and share with us your five greats. Mine right now? 1. Family 2. Christmas lights 3. Caramel 4. Health 5. Floppy hats


  1. Loving "The Law of Moses"! Thanks for the tip. :)

    1. Yay! I'm so glad you're liking it! Once your finished, make sure to grab Making Faces and Infinity +1, I think I may have even liked those a little better!


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