This Month on TJB: February 2015

this month on TJB

According to Punxsutawney Phil, we've got six more weeks of winter ahead. But even with that gloomy prediction, we are still excited for February (plus, at least it's shorter than January). We've got all kinds of happy things we can't wait to share.

Here's a sneak peek...
  • The most delicious dumplings you've ever had. We'll teach you how to make them at home just in time for Chinese New Year (it's way easier than you think).
  • The fashion trends we can't get enough of.
  • Namaste. How to fit yoga into your busy life.
  • Date night ideas for a certain special day this month.
  • Our favorite love stories, plus a children's book series you need to know about. 
  • A surprisingly simple and amazingly decadent molten chocolate cake.
  • Some simply beautiful DIY projects that will make you love your living space.
  • Fun ideas to celebrate award show season.
Wishing you a fabulous February!

Kaitlin and Ashley


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