Look to Try: Matte Nail Polish

Since I've known my husband, his choice of "dream" cars has changed several times but the color has always stayed the same. Flat black. While black alone is a pretty solid choice, the matte-ifying of the color gives it an even tougher edge that it seems even Bruce Wayne would approve of. On a recent trip home, we found ourselves driving next to a Tesla that had been custom painted in flat black. It had matching rims and truly looked like it belonged in the batcave. Admittedly, I was pretty impressed and even let my husband continue to follow the car an extra exit out of the way with only mild grumbling.

From there I started noticing how sleek and unique that mysterious matte black looked and grew my own appreciation for the color. Thus, when i was recently flipping through the pages of a magazine and saw an article on matte black nails, I knew I needed to give them a try.

Enter the players: OPI Black Onyx Nail Laquer and OPI Matte Top Coat

Matte nail polish

The process was ridiculously simple. Just paint your nails the color of your choice in a regular nail polish with about two coats. Follow these with the matte top coat and voila! That original nail polish has been transformed into a satin version of itself. Here's a quick look at the difference between the original black color (left) and the same black with one coat if the matte polish (right).

Matte nail polish before and after

I typically like to keep my nails black anyway because it's such a neutral look, but I love this quick and easy way to change things up a bit. A gunmetal gray or even a super light pearl color would look awesome with the matte layer on top. What color will you try?


  1. Love it! If only my nails were long like yours :/

  2. Thanks Nat! Brynn- the Polish names within the posts are links that you can buy from directly!

  3. The possibilities are endless! I want both of those polishes in my stocking (if not sooner).

    1. I'll have a little birdie whisper in Cody's ear at work to pick these up for you! :)


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