Grilled Cheese Croutons

On a cold and rainy day, not much sounds better to eat than hot soup and a yummy sandwich. Living in Seattle, we get those days a lot. Grilled cheese dipped in tomato soup is one of my favorite combinations, so creating little bite size crouton versions of these sandwiches to go directly into the soup was life-changing. And by making the croutons fun little shapes, even my kids are interested enough to eat the tomato soup.

I found these mini cookie cutters that had a variety of little shapes that were about 1 inch in diameter - tiny, but perfect for little croutons. Make up a grilled cheese sandwich as usual and the little cutters slice right through the sandwich making adorable hearts, flowers, stars, etc. (They're perfect for cutting shapes into fruit, veggies or cheese as well.) You can also make a more plain-jane version by slicing the sandwich into small squares with a knife. Top your soup with the cut-out shapes for extra gooey cheesy goodness!

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