Valentine's Day Countdown

Anticipation might be the best feeling in the world, which is why countdowns are so much fun. For Valentine's Day, I wanted to do something to help us feel the love at our house and add more meaning to the year's most mercurial holiday (really lovely or horribly lonely).

We'll use the embroidered felt hearts I made last week to create a Valentine's Day countdown tree. Starting February 1st, we'll add a heart to the "tree" (some curly willow branches in a large vase) each day and, even more importantly, also select a small act of kindness to complete that day.

Here are 14 ideas simple enough for even your littlest ones. You can download the printable here.

14 Small Acts of Kindness
  1. Hug someone
  2. Secret pixie a friend (i.e. drop off a treat, ring the doorbell, run)
  3. Do a favor for someone
  4. Kiss someone
  5. Give a compliment
  6. Learn to say "I love you" in a different language
  7. Tell someone you love them
  8. Name 3 things you like about yourself
  9. Write or draw a thank you note
  10. Smile at everyone you see today
  11. Call someone you love far away
  12. Say thank you to 3 people
  13. Blow kisses to someone
  14. Hold someone's hand

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