Sick Day(s)

It's that time of the year. Besides all of the fun festivities - the hustle and bustle - its also a time when germs seem to be running most rampant. My family has not been immune. For the last week we have had a rotating game going of who is feeling the most under the weather around our house. But we're finally on the mend, hallelujah.

The whole experience has made me reflect on how horrible it feels to have a child struggle, leaving you, as a parent, feeling completely helpless. Both of my kids were hit with viruses that left their little heads and bodies hurting to the point of needing doctor visits. But each time we met with a physician we were told "it's a virus, there's nothing you can do but wait it out and give some pain medication as needed." But is that really the case? Is there really nothing else we can do but wait it out?
Being a "fixer"-type person, this solution just doesn't work for me. Sure, there may not be a medical cure-all but there are certainly ways to help your little ones (or big ones as the case may be) get through their sick days. Feeling down and out, it makes sense that getting some extra attention and patience is key to boosting spirits.

There are a few times as a kid I can recall being really sick and having my mom fill up this insanely awesome dinosaur water bottle with ginger ale as part of our "medicine." Sure, it may not have been actual medicine (... or was it?...) but the idea of getting something extra special made something not so fun have a little bit of a bright side. I try to do similar things and seem to pamper my kids with meals on trays in bed as they rest. Overindulgent? Some may think so. But I think the support is what shows our loved ones that they aren't alone in trying to heal and get through a trying time.

The power of touch also seems to have magical powers in healing. When we've exhausted our options with pain medications (note that we have liquid and chewable because my kids get picky on which type they will take) and the hurt is still ever-present, the best we can do is be there to give back scratches, head rubs and snuggles. Does something so simple really help? I like to think that the good feelings help outweigh the bad and give some distraction for the pain. And to be honest - who doesn't like a good head rub?

Most importantly, I need to remember that it's always ok to ask for more ideas. Much to our doctors' dismay, I am a WebMD frequenter ("I saw online that those rashes can sometimes lead to..."), but I do appreciate the home care ideas. Reaching out to several resources and trying different things to find what works best for your specific situation is key. So please share! What are some things that work for your family as you work through sickness? I'd love to hear some of your personal experiences.

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