A Few Timely Distractions

Fields of gold
Waiting for the turkey to roast? Here are a few delicious things to distract you (or your guests) from gnawing hunger pains.

How Van Gogh would plate Thanksgiving dinner?

Wishing you’d skipped the big family dinner? Take a mental break and start planning next year’s getaway. (Corsica, anyone?)

Which celeb would you invite to dinner? Find out who would fit right in.

The United States of Thanksgiving...a recipe for every state.

Get ready for dessert! 25 pretty pies.

Want a feast for the eyes? Art’s best meals, 1495-2003.

You won’t believe these holiday window displays.

Conversation at the table a little stilted? A few ideas to get it flowing.

Check out vintage pics from Thanksgivings past (and feel grateful you didn’t have to pluck a turkey this morning).

Read what 40 great thinkers have to say about gratitude.

(Plus, check out our recommendations for Thanksgiving books and movies.)

What do you love to do on Thanksgiving?

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