Green Smoothies

I have to admit, when I first started seeing green smoothies popping up all over the place, I thought it was just a crazy fad. Sure, people mixed carrots, beets, etc. into smoothies for a little extra nutrients, (V8, anyone?) but drinking something green? Yuck. And then I tried one. We were on our way to Disneyland and had stopped at Jamba Juice for a quick breakfast. Knowing I was in for a day of corn dogs and turkey legs I decided to try get some greens in with a Kale smoothie. I braced myself for the first sip to taste like a salad on steroids, but was presently surprised to find the drink to be absolutely delicious. As someone who isn't good about getting in their daily veggies and greens, I knew I had to find a way to replicate it at home.
Each green smoothie is made up of a collection of three basic parts - liquids, greens and fruits. The ratios above are what I've found to be tried and true for masking any strong taste of greens and maintaining a fruity taste that even my toddler loves. The best part is that you can pick and choose from each column if you have allergies or are looking to add a particular ingredient into your diet.
This morning I made my go-to combination: 2 cups cold water, 2 cups spinach, 1 cup frozen pineapple, 1 cup frozen mango, about 5 strawberries (1/2 cup) and a small banana (1/2 cup). I like to buy the large packs of spinach or mixed greens from Costco along with frozen bags of pineapple and mango. That way I always have a good base on-hand for smoothies. I then add whatever fresh fruit I have lying around to tie it all together. I like the flavor well enough with water that I choose not to throw in extra calories with milk or juice, but adding either of those liquids turns your smoothie into a creamy and healthy treat.
I pile my greens into my Blendtec first, grabbing a good two heaping handfuls. I then pour in my cold water. I finish by putting my frozen fruit and fresh fruit right on top.
Mix everything together on the smoothie setting and watch everything combine before your eyes. I have to give advanced warning for this part of the process because the blender is LOUD. Without a heads up by daughter has a minor temper tantrum.
Pour it into a mason jar or glass and add a straw. (Or just guzzle it down from a glass.)
Deeeeelicious! If you're up for a challenge, you can try adding things like chia seeds, flax seeds, hemp protein or acai powder. They serve as little boosts to make your smoothie extra nutritious. What's your favorite combination?

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I am so glad to read your story. I have just started drinking Green drink. Initially I didn’t like the taste but now I add the sweets fruits too in my smoothie. Not only it enhances the taste but makes the smoothie healthier.


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