P.I.R.L.: Leaf Mason Jars

I can't tell you how many times I have pinned incredibly "easy" DIY projects on Pinterest only to have the process and the project itself turn out nothing like I had imagined. This brings us to P.I.R.L. Pinterest In Real Life. We'll bring you a few examples of cute projects we've found along with the good, the bad and the ugly of actually getting it done.

This first project, decoupage leaf mason jars, seemed like the perfect project this week. They would look great on the thanksgiving table or as hostess gifts if you let somebody else cook the turkey. In my mind I pictured how much fun my kids would have going on a "leaf hunt" for my decorative supplies and decided to venture out.

Cute kids in the woods

First item to note: my kids do not like hunting for leaves. They would much rather race on the trails and my tireless asking "who can find a red leaf?" starts to get exhausting for everyone. If your kids are like mine, be prepared to find your own leaves. Even still, it's good for everyone to get outside and run around. I did manage to throw one of my carefully selected leaves on the ground for Blake to pose in this picture and get some scavenger credit.

Gathering leaves

Once we (I) gathered up the leaves, I rounded up my mason jars and Mod Podge.

Leaf mason jar supplies

I painted the jars entirely with the paste and began applying the leaves.

Leaf mason jars

Here is where I should note, I'm not great at reading the instructions for projects like this. I see the finished product picture and think, "oh I know how to do that." I should have read these instructions. I failed to notice that the pictures I had pinned were made from...fabric leaves. There was a small note that people could try real leaves if they were so inclined. The reason they use the fabric alternative is because leaves DO NOT want to stick to anything. they curl and don't absorb the paste very well. Which is how I ended up with this:

Leaf mason jars in progress

A hot mess of leaves and mod podge. I was so frustrated I went upstairs to join my kids during nap time. A few hours later when we came back downstairs, I was shocked to see how well the mess had dried. I tied some twine around the rims, lit some candles and voila! A pretty decent DIY.

Completed leaf mason jars

If you decide to tackle this project in time for Thanksgiving, here are some key takeaways:
  1. Use the fabric leaves.
  2. If you still really want to use natural leaves, find the thinnest ones possible. They'll have a greater chance of absorbing your adhesive.
  3. Paste is your friend. Keep using layers of it to keep everything stuck together. 
Happy crafting! 

1 comment:

  1. I literally laughed OUTLOUD at your mod podge picture...turned out awesome!


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