Balsamic Strawberries

An easy and delicious recipe for balsamic strawberries with vanilla ice cream
After a winter of eating oranges and apples, I couldn't resist the on-sale strawberries at the grocery store this week. Unsurprisingly, March berries can't measure up to their peak-of-the-season July counterparts, but they're still lovely in one of my favorite easy dessert recipes: balsamic strawberries.

In this 5-minute, 4-ingredient recipe, the balsamic vinegar, sugar, and berry juices combine to make a delicious tangy-sweet syrup that goes perfectly with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. You can adjust the amount of vinegar depending on your preference and the sweetness of the berries. Start with just a drizzle, taste, and add more if needed. You can even add a little pinch of freshly ground black pepper if you're feeling really adventurous (weird, I know...but so good).

I love eating this treat most outside on a warm summer evening, but it's still pretty great on a rainy March night when summer is just a beautiful dream.

1 pint strawberries, sliced
2 tablespoons sugar
1-2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
Vanilla ice cream

Mix berries, sugar, and balsamic vinegar in a bowl. Let sit at room temperature for 30 minutes to an hour. Spoon berries into bowls and top with a scoop of ice cream.



  1. ah this sounds amazing. vanilla ice cream is like my favourite thing in the world and these strawberries sound amazing! id love it if youd comment back xx


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