The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1
If you haven't yet read the Hunger Games trilogy yet, stop now and begin reading immediately. If you have, you know how fabulously exciting and wonderful the story is. The first two movies held up to my high expectations so I'm hoping this third installment is no different. If you've got the time, create your own Hunger Games marathon, watching movies 1 and 2 at home, so you can be sure you've got everything Katniss Everdeen fresh on the brain.

If you've seen Madagascar, you know how cute and crazy these penguins are! The perfect choice if you're looking for something to take the kids to, this colorful and fun movie is something the whole family can enjoy. And since this is a spin-off of the original movie, not a sequel, it can be seen as a stand-alone without you missing anything.
If you're still in a turkey coma on Friday and Saturday, there are plenty of movies available on iTunes or Amazon to rent or download immediately that don't even require you to change out of your jammies.

Danielle Radcliffe moves away from his Harry Potter image with this romantic comedy that asks whether or not men and women can really just be friends. The movie wasn't huge in the theaters but I've heard great things about it and have definitely put this one on my list for the weekend.
If you have little ones running around the house that you want to catch a flick with, take a break from Frozen with this recently released movie centered around the Sleeping Beauty villain. Entertaining enough for adults yet still appropriate for kids, this one's a good one to watch together as a family.
What do you plan to watch this weekend? We'd love to hear what's on your list!
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